
GET はじまりの物語:GETプログラム誕生秘話【後編】


GETでは、クルーズ船で地球を一周をしながら 世界の人々とつながるための英語とスペイン語を学ぶ、ユニークな語学プログラムを提供しています。


昨年GETの創設者の1人である Rachael Armstrongに改めて当時の話を聞き、その話を基に元スタッフの Sarah Andersonが英文記事を作成しました。

今回は前回に引き続き「GET はじまりの物語:GETプログラム誕生秘話」と称してみなさんにお届けします!

こちらのページは、【後編】です。 (前半は、こちらからご覧いただけます!)
お読みいただき、GETの歴史や想いを知っていただけると嬉しいです。Happy reading!

In late 1999 Peace Boat decided that what Rachel and Daniel had created was something all future voyages needed. This new language program would support in internationalizing the community and fulfill Peace Boat’s mission to build a culture of peace in the world by giving participants the language tools to connect with people from beyond the borders of their own country. In order to fund class materials and support bringing on more volunteer teachers the program would charge students for tuition in the intensive classes. The first formal English program launched on the 35th  Global Voyage in 2001, and Spanish was officially offered on the 36th  Global Voyage. 



The open lessons, events, and small group classes Rachel and Daniel had organized had laid the ground work for what became the Global English/Español Training Programme. Daniel recalls the idea for the name came about over drinks with key Peace Boat staff in the small bar and restaurant that once existed in the basement of what is now Peace Boat’s volunteer center in Tokyo. 

レイチェルとダニエルが行なった 公開レッスン(オープンGET)、イベントや少人数のグループレッスンは、のちのGETプログラムの基礎となりました。ダニエルは、(GETという)このプログラムの名前を、東京の小さな地下のレストランバーで、ピースボートの主要なスタッフと飲みながら考えた、と述懐しています。その場所は、今ではピースボート東京のボランティアセンターとなっています。

Global English/Español “tied into the idea of Peace Boat,” says Daniel. “So students would be learning the language for communicating with other people around the world and on Peace Boat, not necessarily learning British English or Spain’s Spanish, or Ecuadorian Spanish or American English.” The word “training” was chosen for the name to reflect the practical nature of GET’s approach, and because students would be “using the language immediately”.

GETというプログラムの名前は、”Global English and Español Training” の頭文字をとってつけられました。
「グローバル イングリッシュ・エスパニョール(グローバルな英語/グローバルなスペイン語)」(という考え方)は、ピースボートのアイディアと結びついている、とダニエルは言います。

Under the leadership of one of Peace Boat’s main staff members, Yoko Furuyama, and with a dedicated staff team in support, the program continued to evolve, attracting more and more students on the ship as well as volunteer teachers from around the globe eager to join a Peace Boat voyage.

The value of GET became clearer as time went on and people could see the impact the lessons had on the students and their experiences both on and off the ship. “Even exchanging a few words with the people you are meeting makes a huge difference in the quality of the interaction,” says Rachel. “We all understand the value of this I think, of being able to interact with others in their own language. These were the years where the importance of having GET was made so very clear.”


The GET Programme has been held on every Peace Boat voyage since, taught by peace-oriented, passionate  volunteer teachers. Open Classes are held in much the same way they were on Rachel and Daniel’s first voyage, with the addition of volunteer interpreters, known as Communication Coordinators (CCs), assisting teachers by offering interpretation into Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. There is now a well-practiced language level assessment system designed to place the one hundred students who typically join the paid program. Teachers meet with their students for group and private lessons throughout the voyage, and create opportunities for them to use their new language on the ship and in port through events and excursions. 


These days, Rachel still works for Peace Boat, and continues to be instrumental in supporting the voyages and the GET Programme from Tokyo. Daniel currently teaches English for the British Council in Madrid, Spain, but he recalls his time in the early days of Peace Boat and GET fondly. “It was one of my life’s defining experiences to be a part of that,” he says. 



最後まで読んでくださり、ありがとうございました!Thanks for reading!