ピースボートのクルーズにGETプログラムのボランティア先生として乗船してくれた方たちへのインタビュー、“ChatWith a GET Teacher! (GETの先生とおしゃべり)”。世界中から参加し、多様で豊かなバックグラウンドを持ったGETの先生たち。
久しぶりの投稿となる第12弾となる今回は、ピースボート 93回クルーズ と 98回クルーズに英語講師として参加した Lauren のインタビューをお届けします!
1. What were you doing before coming on board Peace Boat?(ピースボートに乗船する前は何をしていましたか?)
I was a teacher at Gaba, a one-to-one English instruction for 4 years right before I joined the 93rd voyage.
93回クルーズに参加する直前まで、マンツーマンで英語を教える Gabaで4年間講師をしていました。
2. How did you find out about Peace Boat or the GET programme? (どうやってピースボートやGETのプログラムについて知ったのですか?)
When I first moved to Japan in 2013, I saw Peace Boat posters all over the country and I checked out the website and saw this amazing opportunity of teaching onboard. I knew I had to do it! I interview 3 TIMES to get on a voyage, and on my 3rd time, I finally got it!
3. Why did you come on board? (なぜ乗船しようと決めたのですか?)
The experience of working aboard a cruise ship was one I knew I must do. I was already a world traveler and the idea of working and living on a ship that would take me to new countries almost every other day was an opportunity as a traveler and teacher that I did not want to miss!
4. What did you enjoy most about being a GET Teacher?(GETの先生として最も楽しんだことはどんなことですか?)
I love the classroom family that I created each time onboard. I created lessons based on what my students wanted to learn, and I was so proud of them with how well they learned English and how involved we got outside of classes. We created an unlikely friendship that lasted after the voyage was over.
5. How did you spend your time on board? Did you organize any events, and if so, what were they?(船内ではどのように過ごしていましたか?もしイベントを企画していたのなら、どんなものを企画しましたか?)
I did so much on those two voyages; I organized yoga and martial arts classes on board, dance nights, talks on Tibet and traveling in the USA. On the 98th voyage, I gave a talk on traveling in the USA and I had 500 people that attended. I was amazed at the turn out and the chance to speak in front of so many people.
6. What was your favorite on board event or encounter? (船内でのお気に入りのイベントや出会いを教えてください。)
Learning the Haka dance and then performing it with the other dancers on the 93rd voyage.
7. What was your favorite port and what did you do there?(お気に入りの寄港地はどこですか?そこでどんなことをしましたか?)
That’s a hard question, I saw 45 ports total. If I had to pick one it would be Santorini because the towns on that huge cliff were so beautiful. I love to take off and explore on my own at my own fast pace, and that port was a dream doing that. The food, the people, and the stunning churches and hotels were unbelievable.
8. What did you gain from your time with Peace Boat?(ピースボートで過ごした時間から得たものは?)
So much international experience, and work experience that have carried over into my current jobs. There hasn’t been an interview I’ve had for a job where employers have asked me to tell them about my time on PeaceBoat.
9. Where are you now and what do you do?(今はどこにいて、どんなことをしていますか?)
Now I am back in my hometown outside of Chicago and I am . . . a teacher! To students who are learning English as a second language! Except this time I have a teaching license, and I am about to finish my Masters Degree. I also coach a High School Track and Field team.
10. What advice would you give to future teachers?(未来の先生たちへのアドバイスをお願いします。)
Teaching is hard! Many new teachers don’t expect that, and I say that the more you teach and create your own hand-crafted lessons, the better you get at it, and the more you will love doing it.
11. What advice can you give to a student who wants to improve their English/Español? (英語やスペイン語を上達させたいと思っている生徒へのアドバイスもお願いします。)
Practice every single day, even for just 10-15 minutes. Use language apps, watch movies/ TV shows in that new language and try to find speakers of that language and talk to them.
12. Do you have a message for your students? (自身の生徒さんたちへのメッセージをお願いします。)
I miss you guys! Thanks for all of your hard work and for making teaching a joy!
Lauren, ありがとう!!!