
ChatWith a GET Teacher! Vol.6 Michelle Endo

ピースボートのクルーズにGETプログラムのボランティア先生として乗船してくれた方たちへのインタビュー、“ChatWith a GET Teacher! (GETの先生とおしゃべり)”。

第5弾となる今回は、ピースボート 90回クルーズ (2015年12月出航)に参加した Michelle(ミシェル)のインタビューをお届けします!

  1. What were you doing before coming on board Peace Boat?(ピースボートに乗船する前は、何をしていましたか?)
    I was an eikawa teacher in Nagoya for two years.
  1. How did you find out about Peace Boat or the GET programme? (ピースボートやGETプログラムについてはどうやって知りましたか?)
    I was researching different work-while-travel opportunities and came across Peace Boat.
  1. Why did you come on board? (船に乗ろうと思った理由は?)
    I still wanted to continue teaching but I was looking for a new environment and experience. It’s always a bonus when you can see new places too!
  1. What did you enjoy most about being a GET Teacher?(GETの先生として、特に楽しんだことは?)
    I enjoyed getting to teach a variety of classes and students with varying language levels.
  1. How did you spend your time on board? Did you organize any events, and if so, what were they?(船内ではどのように過ごしていましたか?もし自分で船内でイベントを企画していたら、どんなイベントでしたか?)
    I spent a lot of time tanning and hanging out with friends. I co-organized a few American-style dance lessons with a CC as well as a hula disco with another teacher.
    友達と日焼けしたり、一緒にたくさんの時間を過ごしました。CC (注:コミュニケーションコーディネーター。ボランティア通訳者のこと) とアメリカンスタイルのダンスレッスンや、他の先生と「フラディスコ」を主催したりもしました。
  1. What was your favorite on board event or encounter?(船内でのイベントや出会いで印象に残っているのは?)
    My favorite events to attend were jishus(*events that are voluntarily organized by passengers and staff members) put on by other teachers and translators. They were always interesting and something different.

  2. What was your favorite port and what did you do there?(お気に入りの寄港地はどこですか?そこでどんなことをしましたか?)
    My favorite port was Rio. We were there during Carnival and got to see the parade in the Samadrome. I loved having several days to explore the city and experience the street parties at night.

  3. What did you gain from your time with Peace Boat?(ピースボートで過ごしたことで得たことは?)
    I realized there are no age limits to doing what you love, whether it’s learning a new language or seeing the world.

  4. Where are you now and what do you do?(今はどこにいて、どんなことをしていますか?)
    After Peace Boat I worked on cruise ships for a few years and most recently I just returned from a four month contract providing station support in Antarctica for the U.S. Antarctic Program. For now I’m doing freelance writing in California until I can find my next adventure!
    ピースボートのあとは、数年別のクルーズ船で働いていました。一番最近では、U.S. Antarctic Program (米国の南極プログラム)で基地サポートを4ヶ月してきたところです。今はカリフォルニアでフリーランスでライターをしています。次の冒険に出会うまで!

  5. What advice would you give to future teachers?(未来の先生へ、何かアドバイスはありますか?)
    If you go in willing to give the job 110% and keep an open mind, you’ll have an unforgettable experience.

  6. What advice can you give to a student who wants to improve their English/Español?(英語やスペイン語を学んでいる生徒さんへ、何かアドバイスはありますか?)
    Don’t worry about making mistakes! Focusing on conveying the overall message instead of small mistakes will help increase the speed of your conversation.

  7. Do you have a message for your students? (生徒さんたちへメッセージをお願いします。)
    I miss my students! I hope everyone is doing well and continuing to enjoy learning everyday.
