
ChatWith a GET Teacher! Vol.3 Lindsey Newman

“ChatWith a GET Teacher! (GETの先生とおしゃべり)”

第3弾となる今回は、95回クルーズ(2017年8月出航)と98回クルーズ(2018年5月)に参加した Lindsey(リンジー)のインタビューをお届けします!

  1. What were you doing before coming on board Peace Boat? (ピースボートに乗船する前は、何をしていましたか?)
    I was an English teacher in Japan.
  1. How did you find out about Peace Boat or the GET programme? (ピースボートやGETのプログラムは、どうやって知りましたか?)
    My Sempai on JET joined Peace Boat as a GET teacher years ago. It seemed like a fairytale job. Also, let’s not forget those posters everywhere. 

    *JETプログラム: 語学指導等を行う外国青年招致事業(The Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme)
  1. Why did you come on board? (船に乗ろうと思った理由は?)
    I was looking for fullfilment and a new meaningful challenge I guess. It didn’t disappoint. The idea of Peace Boat was extraordinary; combining work, travel and all the while promoting peace, human rights, and sustainability. As a citizen of Hiroshima I also wanted to give something back to society.  
  1. What did you enjoy most about being a GET Teacher? (GETの先生として、特に楽しんだことは?)
    The bond I made with my students and colleagues. It went beyond anything I’d experienced before. Also, it was great to see student’s progress in English as your giving them tools they can use straight away. Finally, I have to say that being in the middle of the ocean made the commute to work pleasurable and the view wasn’t so bad. 

  2. How did you spend your time on board? Did you organize any events, and if so, what were they? (船内ではどのように過ごしていましたか?もし自分で船内でイベントを企画していたら、どんなイベントでしたか?)I gave lectures on topics such as organ transplantation, Aromatherapy and things to do in London, performed on stage and held Body Combat classes with my colleague. In my spare time I’d participate in other events, prepare for class, do yoga, work out or stuff my face with karage (*fried chicken) in Namihei.    

  3.  What was your favorite on board event or encounter?(船内でのイベントや出会いで印象に残っているのは?)
    Being onboard for when ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons), as supported by Peace Boat, won the Nobel Peace Prize. Also, Peace Boat co-hosted an unforgettable party in New York in collaboration with the United Nations World Oceans Day. 
    ピースボートが関わっている ICAN (核兵器廃絶国際キャンペーン)がノーベル平和賞を受賞したときに、船にいたことです。またニューヨークに寄港しているときに、ピースボートが国連世界海洋デーに共同主催行ったパーティーのことも忘れられません。

  4. What was your favorite port and what did you do there?(お気に入りの寄港地はどこですか?そこでどんなことをしましたか?)
    Impossible to choose one, so allow me to say the people in Myanmar, vibe of Sri Lanka, bagels in New York, beaches of Hawaii and Piña colada’s in Cuba. 

  5. What did you gain from your time with Peace Boat?(ピースボートで過ごしたことで得たことは?)
    Precious,  everlasting memories of incredible people, friendships and exotic places. I grew as a teacher and citizen of the world. I also learnt what the efforts of one hard working person or team can achieve. 

  6. Where are you now and what do you do? (現在はどこで、どんなことをしていますか?)
    I’m a English teacher trainer and Complementary Therapist in Japan. 

  7. What advice would you give to future teachers? (未来の先生たちへアドバイスはありますか?)
    That your time is fleeting and precious and is the greatest gift you can give someone onboard. Spend it wisely and save some for yourself. 

  8. What advice can you give to a student who wants to improve their English/Español?(英語やスペイン語を学んでいる生徒さんへ、何かアドバイスはありますか?)
    To seize the day. Everyday and encounter is a chance to improve yourself and learn something new. 

  9. Do you have a message for your students? (生徒さんへメッセージをお願いします。)
    I hope you are all well and are still curious about the world. I often think about our time together, thank you for making it special. 

Lindsey、ありがとうございました!!(^^) また次回のインタビューもお楽しみに!