
ChatWith a GET Teacher! Vol.4 Bertrand “Bebe” Berile

“ChatWith a GET Teacher! (GETの先生とおしゃべり)”。

第4弾となる今回は、96回クルーズ (2018年1月出航)と97回クルーズ (2018年3月)に参加した Bebe(べべ)のインタビューをお届けします!

1. What were you doing before coming on board Peace Boat? (ピースボートに乗船する前は、何をしていましたか?)
Right before coming on board, I was volunteering in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere in Cambodia. I was teaching English and a little bit of French to underprivileged kids.

2.Why did you come on board? (船に乗ろうと思った理由は?)
I couldn’t believe there was a chance to combine two of my biggest passions: traveling and teaching.

3. What did you enjoy most about being a GET Teacher? (GETの先生として、特に楽しんだことは?)
I really love the fact that the curriculum had to be tailor-made and that the students could practise straight away what they have learned. Therefore, it was amazing to see their excitement when they told us about their output in the real-life situation. I’ve never seen such commitment and engagement in the class.

4. How did you spend your time on board? Did you organize any events, and if so, what were they? (船内ではどのように過ごしていましたか?もし自分で船内でイベントを企画していたら、どんなイベントでしたか?)
I organised some Self Organised Event/lectures: the origin of languages, I talk about my hometown Reunion Island and pilgrimages (e.g: the Kumano Kodo). I also attended to numerous lectures provided by guests educators and passengers. I enjoyed meeting and getting to know some of the passengers or other GET students.

5. What was your favorite on board event or encounter?(船内でのイベントや出会いで印象に残っているのは?)
Hard to choose one but one of my students was a Hibakusha and I helped her to talk about her memories as a nuclear bomb survivor in English. Her story was so moving but so enriching.

6. What was your favorite port and what did you do there?(お気に入りの寄港地はどこですか?そこでどんなことをしましたか?)
Again it’s hard to choose one but as we coud stay 3 days in Yangon, Myanmar we had time to explore the city, learn more about the culture and eat delicious food.

7. What did you gain from your time with Peace Boat?(ピースボートで過ごしたことで得たことは?)
It was such an enriching experience, I have learned a lot and more importantly I could step out of my comfort zone by taking up some activities I would have never taken if not on board (e.g: salsa dancing, yoga, singing,…)

8. Where are you now and what do you do? (今はどこでどんなことをしていますか?)
Actually, I’m still connected to the Peace Boat as I’m living in Tokyo and I’m teaching at the GET office. The students are so great! It’s such a privilege!

9. What advice would you give to future teachers?(未来の先生へ、何かアドバイスはありますか?)
Cherish every single second on board. Even though 3 months seems long, time flies way too fast. Do not rest, go to the lectures (guest educators and participants) as much as possible, take up a total new activity, … Enjoy!

10. What advice can you give to a student who wants to improve their English/Español?(英語やスペイン語を学んでいる生徒さんへ、何かアドバイスはありますか?)
My motto is ‘learning by practicing’. So practice as much as possible, meet and talk to people and don’t be afraid to make to mistakes; it’s a great way to improve as well.

11. Do you have a message for your students? (生徒さんたちへメッセージをお願いします。)
Have you done your homework? 😀  宿題は終わりましたか?^o^

Thank you Bebe!! Bebe、ありがとうございました!