
ChatWith a GET Teacher! Vol.1 Julia McCartney

Hello~ みなさん、こんにちは。
今回から、ピースボートのクルーズに乗船してくれた先生へのインタビューを掲載していきます。名付けて“ChatWith a GET Teacher! (GETの先生とおしゃべり)”
そんな先生たちがどうしてピースボートへ参加したのか、ピースボート でどんなことを感じたのか、現在は何をしているのかを聞いていきます!

1回目に登場してくれたのは、ピースボート 98回クルーズ(2018年5月出発)にGETの先生として参加した Julia です。

  1. What were you doing before coming on board Peace Boat?

    Before joining Peace Boat, I was working in Tokyo for eikaiwa, ECC, as an English teacher.
  1. How did you find out about Peace Boat or the GET programme?
    I found out about Peace Boat and GET through a lovely teacher named Paula from Scotland, who had also worked for the same eikaiwa in the Kanto region. 
    ピースボートについては、スコットランド出身の Paula という素敵な先生を通じて知りました。Paula は同じ英会話教室の関東地区で働いていました。
  1. Why did you come on board? (どうして乗船しようと思ったのですか?)
    I came on board Peace Boat for the renowned community and famously unforgettable experiences – the opportunity to share the rare experience of seeing the world with a group of like-minded individuals from around the world. 

  1. What did you enjoy most about being a GET Teacher?
    I enjoyed creating a fun atmosphere with my students (both inside and outside of the classroom) and making memories that we could share as a smaller GET family onboard the ship. My students enjoyed learning English and I enjoyed teaching them – it was a ‘win win’. 
    自分の生徒さんたちと、楽しい雰囲気を作りだすことにやりがいを感じていました。(クラスの中と外、どちらもです。)そしてクラスが、船上の全体のGETファミリーの中のさらに小さい家族のようで、一緒に思い出を作り共有できたことです。生徒さんたちは学ぶことを楽しみ、私は教えることを楽しみ、とても「Win – Win(=双方にとって得ることがある)」」であったと思います。
  1. How did you spend your time on board? Did you organize any events, and if so, what were they? (船内ではどのように過ごしていましたか?もし自分で船内でイベントを企画していたら、どんなイベントでしたか?)
    I spent most of my time on board participating in activities whether they be my own or activities created by others. My events included “Beatles Night,” a mixture of a musical performances, trivia, and dancing; “Friendship bracelet making,” a ‘how-to’ on weaving string for making friendship bracelets for new onboard friends; “Waku waku California,” a presentation introducing my home region; and “US National Parks,” an overview of the history of the indigenous Americans, conservation efforts in the US, and contemporary environmental issues.
    船では自分や他の人が企画したイベントに参加することが多かったです。私自身が企画したのは、音楽パフォーマンス・クイズ・踊りなどが混じった「Beatles Night」、新しく船でできた友達へプレゼントするブレスレットの作り方を学ぶ「フレンドシップブレスレット作り」、私の出身エリアを紹介した「わくわくカリフォルニア」、そして米国の先住民の歴史や、自然保護の取り組み、現在の環境問題などについてお話しした「米国の国立公園」です。
  1. What was your favorite on board event or encounter?
    My favorite on board events were the very important presentations given by various Mizuan – they were so informative and educational, and I will never forget some of the information I learned on my voyage.
  1. What was your favorite port and what did you do there?
    My favorite port was Piraeus (Athens) where I saw the Acropolis and ate many plates of delicious Greek food and drank many glasses of Greek wine. Athens is still my favorite city in Europe.
  2. What did you gain from your time with Peace Boat?
    More than anything, I gained a very special community on Peace Boat. I will never forget the friends I made on the 98th voyage of Peace Boat nor will I ever forget the unique experiences which helped me understand the world. 

  1. Where are you now and what do you do? (今はどこでどんなことをしていますか?)
    Inspired by experiences on Peace Boat, I am now living in Budapest, Hungary and am studying International Relations at Central European University to achieve a master’s degree.
    ピースボートでの経験に触発され、現在はハンガリーのブダペストに住んでいます。中央ヨーロッパ大学(Central European University)の修士課程で、国際関係を学んでいます。
  1. What advice would you give to future teachers?
    Be ready to fully immerse in the experience and live in the moment. Planning will help you a lot, but there will always be changes.
  1. What advice can you give to a student who wants to improve their English/Español?
    Put on a brave smile and speak with as many strangers as you can 🙂
    勇気のある笑顔とともに、できるだけ多くの人と話してみてください 🙂 
  1. Do you have a message for your students? (生徒さんたちへメッセージをお願いします。)
    I miss my students very very much! They are all so smart and motivated, so I have no doubt that their English is continuing to improve every day (or week or month). And I hope they continue traveling and that our paths might cross again one day.

Thank you Julia!、ありがとう Julia!