
ChatWith a GET Teacher! Vol.5 Erika Delfin

“ChatWith a GET Teacher! (GETの先生とおしゃべり)”。

第4弾となる今回は、96回クルーズ (2018年1月出航)と97回クルーズ (2018年3月)に参加した Erika(エリカ)のインタビューをお届けします!

それでは Erika、よろしくお願いします〜 🙂

1. What were you doing before coming on board Peace Boat? (ピースボートに乗船する前は、何をしていましたか?)
I was teaching languages in a high school program. Spanish, French and English.

2. How did you find out about Peace Boat or the GET programme?(ピースボートについて、どうやって知りましたか?)
Funny story, I googled it once because I was looking for a experience that involved boat+ travelling+teaching languages, of course Peace Boat was the first result. I spent 3 years reading and dreaming about it. One day the stars aligned and I took my chance.

3. Why did you come on board? (船に乗ろうと思った理由は?)
I guess I wanted to live a new experience, at that point I had travelled for a while and I thought it would be interesting to add a new adventure, also while I was learning Japanese I felt the need to discover this culture, from inside. And I love activism and Human Rights so this was my chance to learn about it with different people.

4. What did you enjoy most about being a GET Teacher? (GETの先生として、特に楽しんだことは?)
All the friends I met, students, teachers and coordinators. It was a fully human experience.


5. How did you spend your time on board? Did you organize any events, and if so, what were they? (船内ではどのように過ごしていましたか?もし自分で船内でイベントを企画していたら、どんなイベントでしたか?)
I organized the Gender Series along with Louise, where we discuss different topics with women onboard. But I also loved the Bollywood dance classes!
同僚の Louise とジェンダーにまつわるイベントをシリーズで行いました。船内の女性たちと、様々な話題について話し合いました。またボリウッドダンスのクラスもとても楽しかったです!

6. What was your favorite on board event or encounter?(船内でのイベントや出会いで印象に残っているのは?)
I loved wearing a Yukata! This was my first (and second) time. I always remember being my best days onboard, dancing, hanging out with different people and trying different foods!

7. What was your favorite port and what did you do there?(お気に入りの寄港地はどこですか?そこでどんなことをしましたか?)
I loved Papua New Guinea because it was an adventure from start to finish. We walked towards the Volcano and had very peculiar exchanges with the natives. And the hot spring was amazing!

8. What did you gain from your time with Peace Boat?(ピースボートで過ごしたことで得たことは?)
I learned a lot about myself, all the things I was capable of doing, and all the possibilities in front of me. Also knowing that there are people everywhere doing small things gives me the strength to keep on trying to help others.

9. Where are you now and what do you do? (今はどこでどんなことをしていますか?)
I live in Mexico city, I still teach and I’m also being part of communitary projects. I hope to be able to do more in the next years.

10. What advice would you give to future teachers?(未来の先生へ、何かアドバイスはありますか?)
Give yourself the opportunity of growth and open your heart to new experiences. Everything will give you a valuable lesson. It is a life experience.

11. What advice can you give to a student who wants to improve their English/Español?(英語やスペイン語を学んでいる生徒さんへ、何かアドバイスはありますか?)
If you want to have fun with amazing teachers and human beings, this is the perfect place to do it. GET program makes the Peaceboat even better!

12. Do you have a message for your students? (生徒さんたちへメッセージをお願いします。)
I miss you all and I hope to see you again one day. I think of you and you are part of my heart!
